2024 AHS FBLA Successes

By Emily McCune, AHS FBLA President

While school ended a couple of months ago, Alliance High School’s Future Business Leaders of America have only recently ended their program year in Orlando, Florida, at the National Leadership Conference. Alliance FBLA members worked diligently throughout the 2023-2024 school year to prepare for competitions, give back to Alliance, and celebrate big and small successes. The year started in September with outreach to local businesses. AHS FBLA would like to thank Darren’s Carquest Auto Parts, Westco, Box Butte General Hospital, Dave’s Pharmacy, Triangle Electric, Horizon West Dental, PST, Alliance Community Pharmacy, Sweet Pickins, ACR Glass, and Alliance Recreation Center for their sponsorship and support. Through the generosity of sponsors and the Alliance Public School’s Board of Education, 23 members were able to discover career opportunities, help those in need, and become future business leaders of America.

On January 31, 2024, Alliance FBLA placed first at the Best of the West competition at Chadron State College. 13 members competed, and eight members brought back ten awards which are listed below. Yet, members were still working hard after bringing home the trophy to Alliance High School. In April, 17 members traveled to Kearney, Nebraska, to compete against members from across the state. Members got to network with like-minded individuals about passions, get life advice from industry leaders, and discover different avenues of business. Six members qualified at the state competition to compete at the National Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL. Chaperoned by Katie Ackerman, Emily McCune, Kinzie Bridge, Mason Trumble, Mario Rodriguez, Isaac Baker, and Matthias Benzel represented Alliance well. They pin-traded with members from California to Connecticut, got interview tips from the national officer team, and competed in five different competitions. Kinzie Bridge competed in Introduction to Business Communication where she placed tenth in the nation.

Alliance High School Future Business Leaders of America would like to thank Brigit Harris for her years of dedication. Sherrye Belford will join Brandy Stark as an adviser for FBLA for the 2024-2025 year. There are six members of the new AHS FBLA officer team leading the way for a brighter future: Emily McCune, President; Kinzie Bridge, Vice President; Mia Gomez, Secretary; Arianna Rodriguez, Treasurer; Isaac Baker, Historian; and Roman Escamilla, Parliamentarian. It will be an exciting year of growth, accomplishments, and progress. Thank you to everyone who supported our chapter throughout the year!

Best of the West Results:

Accounting: 1st Place – Emily McCune

Business Calculations: 1st Place – Emily McCune

2nd Place – Hannah Schneider

Business Communications: 2nd Place – Mason Trumble

Introduction to Business: 5th Place – Hailey Rodman

Introduction to FBLA: 1st Place- Kinzie Bridge

3rd Place – Arianna Rodriguez

5th Place – Emily Coleman

Job Interview: 1st Place – Carlie Schneider

Personal Finance: 2nd Place – Mason Trumble

State Leadership Conference Results:

Digital Video Production: 2nd Place – National Qualifier

Mario Rodriguez

Isaac Baker

Mason Trumble

Intro to Business Communication: 4th Place – National Qualifier – Kinzie Bridge

8th Place – Henry Hoff

Graphic Design: 3rd Place – National Qualifier – Mason Trumble

Spreadsheet Applications: 4th Place – National Qualifier – Emily McCune

Insurance and Risk Management: 4th Place – National Qualifier – Matthias Benzel

Accounting II: 4th Place – Emily McCune

8th Place – Matthias Benzel

Public Service Announcement: 7th Place

Mario Rodriguez

Isaac Baker

Mason Trumble

Word Processing – Top 4% – Emily McCune

National Leadership Conference Results:

Introduction to Business Communication: 10th place – Kinzie Bridge