
June might be vacation time in your household. Maybe you are going to load up the kids and take off. This is the time that you have been waiting for all year to get here. It can be a great time, with more family time and great places to see or even going to grandma’s and grandpa’s? It can also leave one with a little anxiety? Will the car break down, will we get hit by someone drinking or texting? Maybe even get our car stolen? Will we all get back home safely?

Life is a little bit like that. Because of sin we all are traveling in old junkers. As the years go by we have been delayed by breakdowns, been overwhelmed with grief and sorrow, we might have suffered some poor relations, maybe times of lean and times of plenty? Will we get to our destination safely and back home? Will we find joy on the journey?

There is only one answer to life’s ups and downs and that is Jesus Christ. You might suffer greatly or maybe not so much but you will always have a Good Dear Friend in Jesus and He will help you to be secure and joyous no matter what may happen, all because He loves you dearly!