God’s Work, Our Hands

Members of St. John’s Lutheran Church celebrated God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday with several local community projects. One crew cleaned at Dobby’s Frontier Town General Store in preparation for Dobby’s Fall Festival on Sunday, September 22. Another group rehabilitated the horseshoe pits at the City Park. Grass and weeds were removed and replaced with sand provided by the City of Alliance. A third group filled Head Start Backpacks. These are provided for children in Head Start who have food shortages at home. All items are easily opened by children as young as three. One group also went to Keep Alliance Beautiful to help them catch up on their backlog of recyclables. Volunteers also worked in the St. John’s greenhouse and others wrote notes to members who are homebound. God’s Work, Our Hands is a mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), with volunteers in churches nationwide sharing their time and energy in their communities.