Blast from the Past October 16, 2024

130 Years Ago

October 19, 1894

Mr. John Kline, of Mirage Flats, came to town a week ago Tuesday with a load of wheat and after disposing of the wheat put his team in the barn, telling the hostler he would be back and feed them in a few minutes. He went to the First National Bank and drew out $99, which he had on deposit and has not been seen since. His friends fear foul play, as no reason was known why he should leave the country as he had a good place and several head of horses and cattle besides 1,200 bushels of wheat and no debts to speak of.

125 Years Ago

October 20, 1899

TIMES Believes that the people of the Second commissioner district especially should be informed the correct status of affairs at the county court house, now that election is drawing nigh, and the voters of the district will soon have it in their power to change the populist majority of the board to republican management by men of known experience and integrity in county affairs.

120 Years Ago

October 18, 1904

District court for Box Butte county adjourned late Saturday afternoon. Since our last issue but little in court proceedings occurred that will be of general interest, though a considerable number of small cases were taken up.

115 Years Ago

October 15, 1909

Prof. Hunt and Prof. Pugsley spent the fore part of the week in the country surrounding Alliance, traveling about one hundred and ninety miles, in company with County Superintendent Ora Phillips, visiting the schools and viewing conditions in general. One of the objects of the trip was to study the potato disease that has been bothering the growers this season.

110 Years Ago

October 16, 1914

The fall term of the district court has been postponed until completion of the new court house as it is not considered safe to allow a crowd to gather in the old building since it was partially wrecked by the high wind last summer. The new court room will be ready for occupancy by the middle of December and the court term has been postponed until that time.

105 Years Ago

October 17, 1919

Plans for the organization of a $100,000 corporation, financed chiefly by local men, were perfected at the close of the mass meeting held in the court house Wednesday night, called for the purpose of formulating some way to meet the need for 300 new and modern homes and apartment houses. The meeting was attended by seventy-five representative citizens and it was easily the most successful event of the kind ever attempted here.

100 Years Ago

October 17, 1924

The October term of district court for Box Butte county, with Judge W. H. Westover presiding, is nearing its close. The jury was excused from further attendance at the session on Thursday afternoon and the remainder of the term will be occupied by trials to the court.

95 Years Ago

October 18, 1929

Four weeks negotiations between Fox West Coast Theatres and Ben J. Sallows and J. E. Hughes of Alliance were concluded this week by the sale of the Imperial and Rialto theatre in Alliance, The Rialto and Palm in Bayard, and the Trail at Bridgeport. The transfer took effect this week and the five theatres are now under the ownership and control of William Fox.

90 Years Ago

October 16, 1934

Plans are being made to entertain 3,000 city and rural people at the Imperial theatre on Fall Festival day from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., when guests will be admitted for free.

85 Years Ago

October 17, 1939

Pump irrigation in Box Butte county will receive absolutely no help from the federal water facilities program. Those interested in the development of pump irrigation had for some time believed that to be the case, but official confirmation that another government agency is failing the farmers of this county has now been received.

80 Years Ago

October 17, 1944

Speaking on the subject of the state budget law before the League of Municipalities last week at North Platte, Mayor Walt Jones of Alliance said the problem centers around the duties and responsibilities of the league, adding that “We certainly are not indebted or subservient to the Taxpayers League whose members are not responsible to voters of our various communities.”

75 Years Ago

October 18, 1949

As a somewhat ironic climax to Fire Prevention Week, two bad residential fires Monday caused considerable damage.

70 Years Ago

October 16, 1954

Three cars were involved in an accident at 11:35 p.m. Friday on Box Butte Avenue near Fifth Street.

65 Years Ago

October 16, 1959

Alliance got its second snow storm of the year this morning. This brought welcome moisture and also is what duck hunters in the area have been waiting for.

60 Years Ago

October 16, 1964

Brakes were applied to two Alliance improvements at a City Council meeting Thursday evening—the forced construction of about 5,000 lineal feet of residential sidewalks, and a planned sanitary sewer study. Mayor Dake Novotny and Councilman Dean Simpson voted “no” on a motion to “suspend rules” on Ordinance 1098, which would require some property owners in six Alliance additions to construct new sidewalks.

55 Years Ago

October 16, 1969

Postmaster Paul Kosmicki announced this morning that the Alliance Postoffice windows will close at 5 p.m., beginning Monday, November 3. This is in accordance with President Nixon’s policy of cutting costs in Federal government, Kosmicki said.

50 Years Ago

October 16, 1974

The 4-H Junior Leaders would like to acquire 50 of the 55-gallon trash barrels being discarded by residents during the changeover to a new automated refuse collection system, City Manager Robert Placek said he has been advised.

45 Years Ago

October 16, 1979

Two members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite have been elected to high honoraries. The announcement was made by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction meeting in Washington, D.C. Vincent Rosenberger of Hemingford will receive the 33rd degree, honorary, John Freiberger will receive the rank and decoration of Knight Commander of the Court of Honor.

40 Years Ago

October 16, 1984

During their meeting this morning, the Box Butte County Commissioners adopted a Handicapped Accessibility Grievance Procedure “providing for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints” regarding handicapped accessibility to county services. County Clerk Kathryn Hood was authorized to act on the county’s behalf to assure compliance with the Federal Revenue Sharing handicapped regulations.

35 Years Ago

October 16, 1989

Work on killing prairie dogs which are infesting Box Butte County has already been started by a federal government trapper, the Box Butte County Commissioners were told Monday morning. Jeff Wall is the trapper who will be working in Box Butte County until July 1, 1990, in an attempt to rid an estimated 15,000 acres of land of the prairie dog infestation.

30 Years Ago

October 17, 1994

The Alliance area College Night will be presented by the Alliance High School Guidance Department on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 7:30 p.m. Thirty-nine representatives from post-secondary schools and the military service will be present.

25 Years Ago

October 16, 1999

Alliance’s District No. 6 Board of Education will consider a rather abbreviated agenda when they meet in regular session Monday, Oct. 18.

20 Years Ago

October 16, 2004

The Box Butte County Commissioners meeting will begin Monday with the signing certification statement from Maximus.

15 Years Ago

October 16, 2009

Well into the first quarter of the school year, the Nebraska Boys Ranch still has no youth at the rural campus, and lacks a contract and normal funding.

10 Years Ago

October 9, 2014

Box Butte County Public Transit Service hosted a follow up meeting Wednesday regarding the Alliance Transit Study. A smaller group attended than participated in the first project meeting.

5 Years Ago

October 16, 2019

Late Friday evening, two BNSF trains collided 11 miles east of Alliance, leading to a derailment. BNSF Public Affairs Director Andy Williams said two empty coal trains were westbound to Wyoming when they came into contact with one another.

*Compiled from The Alliance Times-Herald Archives by staff.