Blast from the Past October 23, 2024

130 Years Ago

October 26, 1894

From Roadmaster McIntyre this morning we learn the ghastly details of a double fatality caused by the terrific fires that have raged for the past three days in the hills, destroying hundreds of tons of hay, much property, and in this instance life. It seems that John Bliss, of Hemingford, was assisting his son-in-law, Mr. E. Lelaehur, who lives ten miles northwest of Mullen, to burn fire guards to protect his property from the approaching fire. Day before yesterday they were below a hill, covered heavily with grass and the flames swept over and down upon them without warning, impelled by the heavy gale of wind.

125 Years Ago

October 27, 1899

C. A. Newberry has commenced the erection of a brick warehouse, to be 50X150 feet in size, covering one full lot just back of his present place of business. It will cost about $2,500. This in addition to his present building, 25X140, three floors, is a pretty good showing for one business institution in a town like Alliance.

120 Years Ago

October 21, 1904

Ridgell’s bowling alleys will open tomorrow (Saturday) evening, with new quarters in the Miller room, being the north room in the Zbinden-Miller building.

115 Years Ago

October 22, 1909

Yesterday F. M. Broome, agent for the Lincoln Land Co. sold to Oscar O’Bannon, fifteen residence lots on Toluca avenue, two blocks south of the St. Agnes academy, aggregating $3,500. It is the purpose of purchasers to begin at once the building of residences out there and before this time next year that part of the city is going to present an attractive appearance. Next year, in all probability, the Catholics of Alliance will build a new church and parsonage on their block just west of the one on which the Academy is situated and the history of this church is that no property is allowed to present a more attractive appearance than the grounds surrounding their buildings.

110 Years Ago

October 23, 1914

Hon. William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State, stopped off in Alliance at noon today enroute from Sidney where he spoke this morning, to Hot Springs, S. D., and addressed a big crowd of Box Butte county people at the opera house from 11:40 to 12:30. He came unexpectedly and almost unannounced having changed his itinerary suddenly.

105 Years Ago

October 24, 1919

So far as the needs for electricity are concerned, Alliance is well prepared for a double growth. The new unit recently purchased has been installed and if things turn out as everyone hopes for no more additions will have to be made to the plant.

100 Years Ago

October 24, 1924

Box Butte county potato growers will benefit to the amount of several thousand dollars annually by reason of a joint rate on seed potatoes from Box Butte county to points in the spud growing section of Louisiana, which southern state is developing into one of the finest markets for the local product.

95 Years Ago

October 25, 1929

Alliance bids welcome to the people near and far to gather in the city tomorrow for a gay, rollicking program of fun and entertainment that will comprise the annual Fall Festival. Local merchants through their organization, the Chamber of Commerce, have made arrangements for an unusually good program. “Daredevil” Gates of Denver will put on a highwire act performing on the wire high above the pavement. On this wire, which will be stretched from the roof of the First National Bank to the Rumer Building top, Gates will push a wheelbarrow, dance a jig and put on numerous other stunts for the amusement of the crowd beneath.

90 Years Ago

October 23, 1934

Police received a hurryup call from 610 Box Butte Saturday morning, where a man was reported dead in an empty house. A man’s legs protruded from the bath room, where he evidently lay prone on the floor. Chief of Police Barnum responded and saw the legs—proving that it was no hallucination. He tried the doors and finally was able to get in the back door only to be met by W. H. Mengers, who had been employed two days ago to clean up the place and make it ready for the new tenants who were waiting to move in. Mengers evidently had been sleeping off a jag—he is given to that sort of thing—and since he was sober when the police arrived he was allowed to go on with the job.

85 Years Ago

October 24, 1939

Planting of winter wheat, because of the prolonged drouth in this area, will not exceed 70 per cent of normal in the opinion of growers who have made a county-wide survey. Plantings that were made previous to the recent .80 of an inch of rain and snow have come through the topsoil and are showing excellent prospects.

80 Years Ago

October 24, 1944

Lieut. Joe Lewis is reported by the war department as missing in action while on a combat mission over Greece, according to word received Saturday by his wife, Mrs. Joe Lewis of Alliance.

75 Years Ago

October 21, 1949

The Box Butte County jail has “leaked” again—for the sixth time in five years. At 7 p.m. Wednesday Kash Russell, held in the county jail, since Aug. 12 on a stabbing charge, fled from the jail on the fourth floor of the courthouse and escaped from the building.

70 Years Ago

October 23, 1954

If Alliance citizens are not registered to vote by 9 o’clock tonight, they can’t vote in the November 2 general election. The city clerk’s office in the Municipal Building will accept registrations until 9 p.m.

65 Years Ago

October 23, 1959

The Alliance City Council, at a lengthy Thursday night session, took the initial step toward expanding capacity of the Municipal Light Plant (already termed inadequate) upped cemetery fees, and heard a complaint from a delegation from “Trailerville” that the Kansas-Nebraska Natural Gas Company refuses to supply the trailers with gas service.

60 Years Ago

October 23, 1964

Barry Goldwater Jr., son of the Republican candidate for the presidency, will address a Northwest Nebraska audience at 12 noon next Thursday at the Alliance High School stadium. Young Goldwater’s appearance in Alliance, his only stop in Western Nebraska, was announced today by Mrs J. W. Cover, Sr., vice-chairman of the Box Butte County GOP Central Committee.

55 Years Ago

October 23, 1969

Activities for the 1969 homecoming of St. Agnes Academy begin at 7:30 tonight with a pep rally and bonfire at the Academy school grounds.

50 Years Ago

October 24, 1974

The Community Education Department will have the library at the North High open to the public for use on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7 to 9 p.m. The announcement was made by Lyle Newman, community education director. Newman also announced that the gym at the South High is open on Monday and Wednesday nights for public use. Since the program began on Oct. 1, the attendance at this facility is averaging about 20 persons per week.

45 Years Ago

October 24, 1979

Seven of the nine members of the Alliance planning commission were briefed on the city’s new “comprehensive plan” just being launched, and reached a consensus on a mobile home question at a special meeting Tuesday evening. A population projection of Alliance from 1980 to 2000 has already been prepared, and was exhibited at the meeting, raising questions of commission members. Using 1970 and 1977 Bureau of Census data, the computerized projection shows an Alliance population of 12,010 by 1980, 19,295 in 1990, and 23,259 by 2000.

40 Years Ago

October 23, 1984

At a public hearing this morning, the Box Butte County Commissioners voted to accept Buettner Construction Company’s bid of $36,465.92 for the relocation of the Kilpatrick Dam road subject to the abandonment of the present road and the adoption of the right-of-way for the relocated road.

35 Years Ago

October 23, 1989

Alliance and area Jaycees attended a reception Sunday at West Way Restaurant in honor of the National President of the organization, who is visiting the Nebraska Panhandle. Robby Dawkins, 31, is the 70th president of the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce.

30 Years Ago

October 24, 1994

The Alliance High School marching band won both the presidential trophy as the outstanding entry in the field competition and the plaque given to the top entry in the parade during Homecoming and Band Day at Chadron State College on Saturday. The band, directed by Dick Rischling, performed at halftime of the Eagles’ football game with Colorado Mines.

25 Years Ago

October 22, 1999

With the passage of two resolutions during last night’s meeting, the Alliance City Council set the Tenth Street overpass design phase in motion by choosing an engineering firm and entering into an agreement with the Nebraska Department of Roads.

20 Years Ago

October 23, 2004

Nebraska Lt. Governor Dave Heineman and 49th District Senator LeRoy Louden participated in the ribbon cutting ceremony, along with Vice Mayor Kevin Dahlstedt and other local officials, to formally open Snake Creek Trail.

15 Years Ago

October 23, 2009

For the last month, Kevin Kubo, Alliance city building inspector and code enforcement officer has been busy with efforts to clear the Alliance City roadways of items such as recreational vehicle, boats, trailers and other sedentary and obstructive vehicles.

10 Years Ago

October 23, 2014

Soroptimist International of Alliance will kickoff a busy month this weekend with the Grapes & Hops Event on Saturday, Oct. 25. The event is the first of three endeavors, that the organization will host from now through mid-November.

5 Years Ago

October 23, 2019

Over the weekend was the fifth annual Men in Pink Pool Tournament to benefit Jane’s Closet at The Gathering Spot. This year’s donations totaled $1,076. Around 30 people participated in the 9-ball tournament.

*Compiled from The Alliance Times-Herald Archives by staff.