Eight Additional Tests are Confirmed Positive for COVID-19

Unified Command can confirm there are eight additional confirmed cases in Panhandle Public Health District. Three are from Scotts Bluff County, two women in their 50s, one woman in her 40s; four people from Kimball County, two females in their 40s, a female in her 30s, a male in his 20s; and one person from Cheyenne county, a female in her 20s. One person is hospitalized, the others are recovering at home. The contact investigation has begun for all confirmed cases, and additional information will be released when completed.

Everyone that is identified as a close contact of those testing positive will be notified by public health and will be placed in quarantine for 14 days since their last exposure. If you are identified as a close contact, you will receive a call from public health.

Of the new Kimball County cases, two are family members of previous cases, and three are close contacts to previous cases. Of the Scotts Bluff cases, two are related to travel and one a close contact of a travel case. The Cheyenne County case is a close contact of a previous case.

All Panhandle residents need to follow strict social distancing and implement these protective measures.

* Stay home as much as possible.

* Keep at least 6 feet distance from any people you do not live with.

* Avoid gathering in any group other than with the people we live with. If a group is necessary, limit it to 10 people and remember the 6 feet rule.

* Wash your hands often, for at least 20 seconds each time

* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you sneeze or cough and throw the tissue away

* Avoid touching your face, eyes, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Kimball residents are advised to monitor their symptoms and self-quarantine if possible due to

the prevalence of exposures; all residents are at high risk.