Box Butte County Sees First COVID-19 Case

COVID-19 is in Box Butte County as Unified Command announced on Saturday a woman in her 70s has tested positive.

A news release provided by Unified Command notes that the woman had traveled outside of the country before the number of COVID-19 cases had increased in the United States. She self-quarantined for two weeks prior to returning to the United States and has been isolating in her home since April 3. She has had no contact with others since returning to Box Butte County.

Several other positive tests were announced over the weekend, bringing the total number of Panhandle COVID-19 cases to 27 since March.

Four new positive cases were announced in Scotts Bluff County: three females and one male. Of the female cases, one is in her 50s, another is in her 60s and the final one is in her 80s. One has been self-quarantining since April 4 and the other since April 7, and the final one has been self-quarantining since March 31. All three are close contacts to previously positive cases and are recovering at home.

The other Scotts Bluff County case involves a male in his 40s and was determined to be a travel-related case. Since April 9, he has been isolating in his home.

Everyone who is identified as a close contact of those testing positive will be notified by Panhandle Public Health and will be placed in quarantine for 14 days since their last exposure. Officials warn of the possibility of community exposure sites. They advise people to monitor their symptoms for 14 days if they visited any of the following locations:

April 3: Post Office from 11:15-11:30 a.m. in Scottsbluff

April 6: Walmart Health and Beauty Section from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Scottsbluff.

A list of other active exposure sits is available at

The final Panhandle case announced involves a woman in her 60s in Cheyenne County. She has been isolating at home since April 3.

If people are showing symptoms of COVID-19, including sore throat, fever, cough or shortness of breath, they are encouraged to contact public health or their healthcare provider. People are asked to call before going to a healthcare facility.

As of press time, a total of 5 people have been tested for COVID-19 in Banner County, 28 in Box Butte County, 42 in Cheyenne County, 16 in Dawes County, four in Deuel County, seven in Garden County, one in Grant County, 74 in Kimball County, 23 in Morrill County 170 in Scotts Bluff County, 18 in Sheridan County and zero in Sioux County.