Pillars for the Park Sees Progress

With the announcement that the Pillars for the Park Project received a grant, the Alliance City Council entered into an engineering services agreement with Baker and Associates, moving the project one step closer to becoming a reality.

The Nebraska Department of Economic Development Civic and Community Center Financing Fund awarded the Pillars for the Park Project a grant in the total of $483,770.50, which matches the funds raised by the community.

“We’re excited with this grant, and the ability here to have an agreement with Baker and Associates so that we can get plans drawn and potentially go out for bids for this project,” City Manager Jeff Sprock said at the April 7 meeting.

The total cost of the agreement with Baker and Associates is $23,500, which covers the bid documents, specifications for the project and any advice provided related to the bidding phase of the project.

Council Member Earl Jones emphasized the need for Baker and Associates to stay within the budget allotted for the project.

“I have to express my concern here,” said Jones. “I want the engineering people to understand what the budget for this project is, and it needs to be designed so that it comes in at budget. I mean, I am sick and tired of designs coming in that are twice what we said, or one and a half times more than what we said. These people need to start understanding that what we say, we’re hiring you to design something, this is how much money we’ve got. It needs to come in at that price.”

Sprock said the initial design and estimate work from Baker and Associates is within the city’s budget for the project. He also noted the budget includes some items that could be removed if the bids come in over the cost allotted.

The council voted unanimously to approve the agreement. In other action taken at the meeting, the city council approved an amendment to the health care plan to include testing and care for COVID-19.