Ordinance No. 2990

An ordinance of the City of Alliance, Nebraska amending Alliance municipal code section 26-127 to restrict parking on the east side of the street in front of the property at 903 Big horn avenue for longer than one half hour during the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on MonDAYS AND TUESDAYS; repealing existing provisions of the City Code not consistent with this ordinance; and providing for an effective date.
Be it ordained by the mayor and city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska:
SECTION 1. Section 26-127 of the Alliance Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-127. Prohibited and limited parking.
(a) No vehicle may park at any time in the following spaces or locations, which spaces or locations may be painted red as appropriate but are not required to be:
(1) In front of or within a space of 40 feet in front of the front entrance or entrances of any school;
(2) Where any other street or avenue intersects another, in the intersection of or within 25 feet from the intersection of the streets or avenues, beginning at the nearest perpendicular curb of the intersection;
(3) On the north side of First Street between the west line of Niobrara Avenue, if extended south, and the east line of Laramie Avenue if extended south;
(4) Within any alley or in a manner that obstructs the entrance or exit to the alley, and on a street or avenue within five feet of any alley entrance or exit, on either side, except when the actual operation of loading or unloading merchandise is in progress;
(5) In a manner that obstructs entrance or exit to any private drive, and on any street or avenue within five feet of any private drive entrance or exit, on either side, except when the actual operation of loading or unloading is in progress;
(6) On any street or avenue within ten feet of any fire hydrant, on either side of the fire hydrant, and within ten feet of any stop sign on the right side of any two-way street or on either side of any one-way street;
(7) Outside of the business district as herein defined, on that portion of any right-of-way outside the roadway, including in any curb strip as prohibited by chapter 20 of the City Code;
(8) On the south side of Sixth Street between the east line of Flack Avenue and the west line of Boyd Avenue;
(9) On the north side of Fourth Street between the east line of Flack Avenue and the west line of Boyd Avenue;
(10) On the north side of Fourth Street between the east line of Box Butte Avenue and a point 70 feet from said east line of Box Butte Avenue;
(11) On the east side of Boyd Avenue from Fourth Street to Sixth Street, except for those vehicles parked for residential purposes for immediately adjacent residential property;
(12) On the east side of U.S. Highway 385 beginning at a point 301 feet south of the northwest corner of Section 4, Township 24 North, Range 48 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Box Butte County, Nebraska, northerly along the highway right-of-way to a point where the highway intersects West Third Street in the city;
(13) On the north and south sides of Third Street from the west line of Howard Street Avenue westerly to the east line of Highway 385;
(14) On the south side of Sixteenth Street from the west line of Emerson Avenue to the east line of Buchfinck Avenue.
(15) On any area and at any time where parking has become prohibited pursuant to article IV, chapter 26 of the City Code.
(16) In any manner not stated herein but that otherwise violates the State of Nebraska statutory rules of the road, as codified in R.R.S. 1943, ch. 60, as re-codified or amended from time to time.
(17) Any other parking space or spaces which may hereafter be designated by the city manager where parking shall be prohibited to provide for safety and the orderly flow of traffic and after such prohibited parking is plainly marked, painted on the curb or posted.
(b) No vehicle may park Monday through Friday of any week between the hours of 8:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.m., and on Saturdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m., holidays excepted, as follows:
(1) No vehicle shall park in the posted area in front of the U.S. Post Office building located on the northeast corner on Box Butte Avenue and Fourth Street;
(2) No vehicle shall park for more than two consecutive hours on the following described streets:
a. Box Butte Avenue from the north line of First Street to the south line of Sixth Street;
b. Laramie Avenue from the north line of Third Street to the north line of Fourth Street;
c. Third Street from the west line of Niobrara Avenue to the east line of Cheyenne Avenue;
d. Fourth Street from the west line of Niobrara Avenue to the east line of Laramie Avenue;
e. Fifth Street from the west line of Niobrara Avenue to the east line of Laramie Avenue;
f. Laramie Avenue north of Fourth Street for two parking spaces on the east side of the street and three parking spaces on the west side of the street.
g. For the west one-half block on the north side of Tenth Street between Niobrara and Sweetwater Avenues and the east side of Niobrara Avenue between 10th and 11th Streets, which time-limited spaces are plainly marked, painted on the curb or posted.
(c) No vehicle shall park for a period of time longer than 15 minutes or 30 minutes, as either may be marked by signs, in a parking space in the municipal parking lot located southwest of the Library/Learning Center, Lot 1, Block 1, Library/Attendance Center Addition, which time-limited spaces are plainly marked, painted on the curb or posted.
(d) Notwithstanding applicable portions of subsection (b)(2) above, no vehicle shall park for a period of time longer than 15 minutes in a parking space, or spaces, on Box Butte Avenue, which time-limited spaces are plainly marked, painted on the curb or posted.
(f) Notwithstanding applicable portions of subsection (b)(2) above, no vehicle shall park between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the east side of the 400 block of Niobrara Avenue from the north line of Fourth Street to a point 87 feet north of the north line of Fourth Street in the parking space or spaces which are plainly marked, painted on the curb, or posted.
(g) No vehicle shall park for longer than one half hour on the East side of the street in front of the property at 903 Big Horn Avenue in the area designated by signage during the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays.
SECTION 2. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, resolutions, and policies of the City of Alliance in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its approval, passage, and publication according to law.
PASSED and APPROVED on this 7th day of January, 2025
/s/: John McGhehey, Mayor
Attest: Shelbi C. Pitt, City Clerk
Publish: January 22, 2025