The following claims were approved by the Alliance City Council on January 21, 2025, for all funds. Abbreviations for this legal: ex, expenses; fe, fees; ml, mileage; re, reimbursement; sa, salaries; se, services; su, supplies.
Black Hills Energy, 89.22, ex; Charter Communications, 86.88, se; Clearfly Communications, 597.16, se; Core & Main Lp, 6,459.97, su; Firstnet, 3,582.90, se; Voyager Fleet Systems Inc., 9,537.15, su; 4th Street Fencing, 215.00, ex; A & J Janitorial LLC, 3,120.00, se; Alliance Rural Fire Prot Dist., 661.62, ex; Alliance Times Herald, 236.46, se; Altec Industries Inc., 899.87, su; Amazon Capital Services, 189.23, ex; Barco Municipal Products Inc., 649.39, su; Bernies Ace Hardware, 164.06, su; Bloedorn Lumber – Alliance, 454.57, su; Bolek-Bilt LLC, 67.50, se; Border States Electric Supply, 5,691.37, su; Bound Tree Medical, LLC, 422.05, su; Box Butte County Clerk, 20.00, ex; Box Butte Development Corp, 19,562.50, ex; Box Butte General Hospital, 600.00, su; Bud’s Pest Control, 70.00, se; Bytes Computer, 11,886.65, se; Caleb Piano Tuning, 260.00, se; Carnegie Arts Center, 6,283.33, ex; Carolina Software, 700.00, se; Carter’s Home Hardware & Appliance, 226.83, su; Century Business Products, 80.78, se; City of Alliance, 1,134.00, se; Copier Connection, Inc., 115.00, se; Crescent Electric Supply Co., 177.58, su; Culligan Water Conditioning, 662.14, ex; Curtis Blue Line, 1,744.42, su; Darren’s Carquest Auto Parts, 2,922.40, su; Eakes Inc., 84.48, se; Farm Plan, 2,138.78, su; Firstbank Card, 11,923.34, ex; GSP Marketing Inc., 2,819.50, su; H & H Sanitation & Recycling, 5,745.56, se; Hansen’s Locksmithing, 136.00, ex; Heartland Aviation Inc., 1,477.65, se; Heartland Expressway Fund, 2,934.26, ex; Hometown Leasing, 1,021.27, se; HP Cleaning And Sewing, 2,500.00, se; Ideal Linen Inc., 1,965.55, se; Industrial Chem Labs & Services, Inc., 1,318.00, se; J & V Drain And Sewer Cleaning, 483.76, se; Jack’s Refrigeration Inc., 4,125.20, se; K. L. Wood & Company LLC, 38,669.78, se; Kaiser Tire, 466.42, se; Keep Alliance Beautiful, 12,500.00, ex; Kinsco LLC, 90.00, su; KONE Inc., 484.72, se; Landis+Gyr Technology Inc., 736.92, su; Life-Assist Inc., 200.08, su; Linda L Mundt, 96.00, se; M.C. Schaff & Associates Inc., 106,601.00, se; Macqueen Equipment LLC, 3,500.00, su; MEAN, 684,836.53, ex; Mid-States Organized Crime, 150.00, ex; Mobius Communications Co., 422.47, se; NE Dept of Environment and Energy, 200.00, ex; NE State Fire Marshal Agency, 240.00, ex; Nebraska Total Office, 543.57, su; Northwest Pipe Fittings Inc., 1,242.94, su; One Call Concepts Inc., 30.70, se; O’reilly Auto Parts, 202.99, su; Precision Stereo Technology, 2,859.82, su; Pressure Palace, 175.10, se; Presto-X, 188.10, se; Print Express, 368.66, su; Quadient Finance USA Inc., 1,210.00, ex; Quick Med Claims LLC, 4,836.45, se; Qwest – Phoenix, 45.94, se; Qwest – Seattle, 1,213.50, se; Region 1 OHD, 82.50, se; Sandberg Implement Inc., 241.72, su; Scottsbluff Screen Printing, 356.00, su; Simmons Olsen Law Firm, P.C., 8,169.69, se; Simon Contractors / Scottsbluff, 220,000.00, ex; Slate Rock Fr LLC, 223.83, su; Steph’s Studio, Inc., 224.00, su; Steve’s Lite Truck Inc., 408.92, ex; Stuart C. Irby Co., 15,353.86, su; Sturdevant’s Auto Parts, 149.93, su; Telecom West Inc., 144.00, se; The Cornhusker/Marriott Hotel, 892.50, ex; Tritle Plumbing Inc., 188.00, ex; USA Blue Book, 105.83, su; Vacanti Municipal Consulting Services, 12,500.00, se; Vfis Benefits Division, 323.85, ex; Volaire Aviation, 1,500.00, ex; Wesco Distribution Inc., 598.13, su; WESTCO, 25.00, ex; Western Nebraska Human Resource, 50.00, ex; Whisper Coleman – Petty Cash, 31.00, ex; Wolf Ford of Alliance, 449.64, ex; Wyoming First Aid & Safety Supplies LLC, 314.73, su; COA Utilities, 11,441.87, se; Eagle County Fleet Services, 12,000.00, su; Golden Hour Barbecue, LLC, 5,250.00, se; Payment Service Network Inc., 79.85, ex; Regional Care, Inc., 68,673.82, ex; Employee Salaries, 258,599.58, sa; US Treasury, 18,344.08, ex; Principal Financial, 14,300.33, ex; ICMA, 327.88, ex; HSA Sandhills State Bank, 7,000.00, ex; Health/Life Ins. Health Fund, 96,600.00, ex;
Grand Totals:1,735,305.61