An ordinance of the City of Alliance, Nebraska amending Alliance municipal code section 2-132 regarding the General employee’s retirement commitee TO provide for the city council designees to be the city manager and CITY TREASURER, to change the method of election of members of the committee from secret ballot to a fair and transparent method, to change the terms of members from three to four years, and to proivde for reimbursement of commitee members for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out their duties, subject to city council approval; repealing existing provisions of the City Code not consistent with this ordinance; and providing for an effective date.
Be it ordained by the mayor and city council of the city of Alliance, Nebraska:
SECTION 1. Section 2-132 of the Alliance Municipal Code is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 2-132. – General employee’s retirement committee.
(a) General purpose. There is established a general employees’ retirement committee which shall supervise the general operation of the general employee’s retirement system.
(b) Members. The retirement committee established shall consist of members from both the general city employees and designees of the city council. The committee shall consist of six members, of which four members shall be selected by general city employees, and shall not be from the same department. The employee representative must be a participant in the general employee’s retirement fund. Administration shall be represented by the city manager and city treasurer. The plan administrator will be a non-voting member.
(c) Elections. Election of members shall be conducted by the city clerk in a fair and transparent method. The city clerk will inform the city council of retirement committee membership changes.
(d) Term. Employee members shall be appointed to four year terms. Vacancies shall be filled by a person with the same representation as his predecessor.
(e) Compensation. Members of the retirement committee shall receive no separate salary, but subject to approval by the city council, shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out their duties.
(f) Duties. The retirement committee shall be established to supervise the general operation of the plan; provided, however, the city shall be responsible for the general administration of the plan except for such specific administrative functions that are delegated, by ordinance or plan document, to the retirement committee. It shall be the duty of the retirement committee to:
(1) Provide each employee a summary of plan eligibility requirements and benefit provisions;
(2) Provide, within thirty days after a request is made by a participant, a statement describing the amount of benefits such participant is eligible to receive; and
(3) Make available for review an annual report of the retirement system’s operations describing both the amount of contributions to the retirement system from both employee and employer sources and an identification of the total assets of the retirement system.
SECTION 2. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, resolutions, and policies of the City of Alliance in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its approval, passage, and publication according to law.
PASSED and APPROVED on this 21st day of January, 2025.
/s/: John McGhehey, Mayor
Attest: Shelbi C. Pitt, City Clerk
Publish: January 29, 2025