Bands on the Bricks 2020 Canceled



Due to concerns surrounding the uncertainty of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, during the regularly scheduled Box Butte Development Corporation (BBDC) Board of Directors meeting on May 6th via Zoom, it was decided by unanimous vote to cancel the 2020 summer concert series, Bands on the Bricks. These events usually take place in Alliance and Hemingford throughout the summer.

As we prepared for this year’s events, we were hopeful the number of COVID-19 cases in the Panhandle would be on the decrease allowing the restrictions on gatherings to be lifted, however that has not happened. We extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the area businesses for their sponsorships, cooperation, participation, and mostly continued support. We realize the benefits these events bring to our communities and know there will be many who are disappointed by our decision, but hope they understand our concerns are for the public good. The Board felt strongly this was the right action to take.

We are currently reaching out to the bands scheduled for this year to ask them to roll their dates over to 2021. If there is an opportunity to pull some sort of community celebration together in the late summer, I hope we will all show up to kick COVID to the curb.