I was pleased to introduce Legislative Bill 312 to members of the Legislature this week. This is the first bill I’ve presented on General File on the legislative floor. I was grateful for the overwhelming support of my colleagues who voted 43 in favor and no opposition to advance the bill to Select File. A special thank you to Senator Machaela Cavanaugh, who voiced her support, emphasizing the need and importance of recruiting healthcare workers to our rural areas.
Next week, I will present my fourth and final bill before the Revenue Committee. Legislative Bill 699 would clarify the tax treatment of building materials purchased by contractors who have elected to be taxed as consumers under Nebraska law. Specifically, the bill ensures that when such contractors have already paid sales or use tax on qualifying materials, they shall certify the amount paid to the taxpayer, who will then be eligible for a refund as if they had incurred the tax themselves.
The Legislature will continue with morning floor debate followed by committee hearings every afternoon through March. Beginning March 31st, after all bills introduced this session has had a public hearing, we will move to all-day floor deliberations in an effort to address the budget and other legislation that was advanced out of committee.
The Nebraska Economic Forecasting Advisory Board meets during the months of February and October of each year and during April of each odd-numbered year for the purpose of developing a consensus projection of economic activity in Nebraska. The board estimates growth or decline in the state unemployment rate, gross state product, statewide personal income, and such other indices of state economic activity as the board may deem appropriate. The board met on Friday and projected a revenue increase of $165 million, which would result in a current shortfall of $196 million based on the preliminary budget.
As always, I appreciate your continued engagement on these important topics. If you have any feedback or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of our district and state.