Reflections for the Week of March 3


 Attended Council meeting

 Paid Council claims and completed payroll

 Completed and submitted Transit Invoice from January for reimbursement  Attended Retirement Committee Advisor interview

 Attended Department Head meeting

Utility Billing Services:

 Cycle 1 bills mailed

 Two new Commercial accounts; Seven new residential accounts


 Participated in required training regarding security with TSA, airlines, airport, and police personnel.

 Scheduled required annual training for Wildlife and ARFF live burn. Work continues on movement training on airfield and emergency plan.

 Staff did some pre-training on pesticide class information.

 Maintenance staff participated in monthly ARFF training.

 Opened bids for snow plow assembly.

 Contractor replaced electrical boards on the MALSR, which is now fully operational.  Started reviewing the engineering scope of work and contract for the new Airport Layout Plan (ALP). The ALP is an FAA project paid for using BIL money.

 Preliminary work has begun on the upcoming budget.

 Electrical project safety plans reviewed. Final drafts of all items are with the FAA for approval.

 Worked on insurance lists for accuracy. Maintenance staff escorted Shelbi and insurance representative around airport grounds.

 Inspected all airport grounds for prairie dogs.

 Meters read.

 Staff seeking quotes from three vendors for FBO office window replacements.  Snow removal required and continue monitoring conditions of the airfield surfaces. Fire:

 Staff participated in the retirement plan advisor presentations.

 Chief participated in a webinar with Nebraska Emergency Management, State Fire Marshal, and Fire Chiefs on the State’s open burn ban, issuance of burn permits, drought conditions, and the wildfire risks.

 Conducted monthly ARFF training.

 Chief met with the Police Chief on dispatch scripts and other topics.


 Collected regular and airport water samples

 Read cycle 1 and cycle 2 water radios

 Fueled and exercised all small equipment

 Added diesel fuel additive to multiple APU’s

 Collected chlorine residuals

 Cleaned all well houses

 Repaired leaking chlorine fittings at chlorine plant

 Replaced diaphragm on pump at chlorine plant

 Met with Core & Main representatives to troubleshoot radio and billing issues  Ongoing information gathering for lead and copper inventory

 Ran camera in sewer line on 9th and Elkhorn for customer

 Painted inside airport well #2

 Graded wellfield road

 Installed 80 water radios

 Completed 9 locate; Completed 12 utility office work orders

 Filled in prairie dog holes at wellfield

 Evaluated 2 separate leaking curb stops for customers


 177 customers, 186 tons of refuse this week

 Completed comprehensive maintenance on paddle scraper

 Ran burn box

 Reconfigured debris fences on top of MSW area to accommodate high winds  Ongoing data collection for rate study

 Replaced multiple dumpsters

 Ongoing routine baler repairs


 Hauled 31 loads of crushed rock from the landfill

 Graded: Sweetwater Ave., E. 8th St., E. 9th St., 12th St., Elkhorn Ave.

 Hauled rock and fixed alley on Grand Ave.

 Completed 9 locates

 Prepared all equipment for snow removal; Plowed snow routes and applied slice.  Installed 2 parking signs for collection basket

 Replaced several hydraulic hoses on wheel loader

 Conducted maintenance and replace hydraulic hose on unit # 919

Human Resources:

 The City is in different stages of the process for interviewing and hiring in multiple departments, including Street Maintenance, Police Officer, Meter Reader, Grounds Maintenance Worker, Electric/Public Works Secretary, Animal Control, Landfill Heavy Equipment Operator, Nutrition Delivery Driver and Public Transit Director.

 All currently open positions are available on our website at, or by contacting Human Resources for more information at 308-762-5400.

 HR recently met with the City’s property and casualty insurance carrier LARM to review processes for Worker’s Compensation and First Reports of Workplace injury. HR will continue ensuring compliance in these areas for the safety of our employees.

 Hosted the first of two presentations by financial advisors to assist the City in compliance and administering the City’s Retirement Plan as a co-fiduciary. Employees are encouraged to attend both sessions to provide their employee representatives on the City’s Retirement Committee with their feedback on the services each of these advisors provides.

 HR continues to work on wage, benefit, and insurance comparability studies.

 HR will soon begin accepting applications from the public for all Seasonal positions! Job opportunities include Water/Sewer labor, Street labor, Electric SCADA labor, Pool lifeguards, cashiers, Carhenge clerks, Golf Pro Shop Clerks, and Golf Course Maintenance Workers. City of Alliance Employment Applications are available on our website or available in person at 324 Laramie Ave.

 Human Resources staff conducted their annual strategic planning meeting for 2025 resulting goals on enhancing the hiring process, training and development, and employee engagement.


 Staff prepared for and conducted one funeral this week.

 Finished repairing the Laing Lake well pipe and started filling the lake.  Chopped ice around the ice rink drain and drained it.

 Cleaned pine needles off the tennis courts.

 Repaired Central Park trashcans and returned them.

 Picked up weeds and branches in the parks.

 Worked on the new entry road at BN Ballfield.

 Assisted with moving boxes at City Hall.

 Unloaded the food truck at the Senior Center and helped put away food.  Assembled the new “V” plow and installed it on the gator in preparation for snow removal; Conducted snow removal as necessary.

RSVP & Senior Center:

 RSVP had fifteen volunteers in the community assisting with activities and programs this week.

 Staff continued updating MOU’s for partner stations for RSVP and the Youth Volunteer Alliance

 Added a new station partner to the RSVP Program

 Had a Beltone representative at the center

 Hosted Bingo, card parties, and coffee and treats


 Hosted Box Butte County extension training in the basement meeting room  Hosted scrap booking event

 Met with caterers to finalize meal plans for the Museum Conference

 Continued working on archive collection and assembling displays in the basement cases  Updated Printing press display in the basement entrance room

 Hosted the retirement presentation or the City of Alliance

Golf Course:

 The golf course was extremely busy as soon as weather permitted.

 Staff continues working on the grounds and equipment in preparation for spring.  Volunteers watered recently planted trees.

 Spring inventory is arriving to stock the pro shop for the season


 This week the library staff really stepped up their levels of programming! Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn was tireless in visiting area schools as Cat in the Hat. Cynthia put on the costume several days this week to promote reading advocacy and getting children excited to come to the library. Nalani Stewart did a great job with the Jason Wentworth presentation with over 40 people attending.

 Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn is sharing Cat in the Hat outreach visits throughout the community with 13 presentations that included Dr. Seuss fun facts, stories, and music! Story Time A to Z featured Terrific T plus more Dr. Seuss fun. LEGO Club worked on their creations. Cynthia also compiled February Stats, organized Book Mobile items, maintained backpacks and cataloged new items. Marvelous March events include a Lucky Dog Search, Captain America Search and a Marvel Wiggleworm feature on the website.

 Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart cataloged new materials, completed CE hours for the Nebraska Library Commission and hosted the Jason Wentworth author presentation. She also prepared the stats for the Director’s report, pulled old books from the new shelves and hosted the book club at Highland Park Care Center.

 Library Clerks Pam Becker and Stephanie Hamilton have been busy processing new spring releases and assisting with fundraising efforts.

 Stephanie O’Connor – “I am so proud of the effort these ladies put in each week. It is through efforts such as these that the library saw 3,623 items circulated and 1,892 patron visits last month.”


 Attended Council Meeting

 APD representatives attended the Retirement Plan Advisor Presentation  Attended Department Head Meeting

 SRO Sherlock and Officer Gomez assisted with a lockdown drill at Grandview Elementary School

 Met with Chief Shoemaker about dispatch procedures for AFD

 Met with Randy Waggener and Angie Flesner regarding the Youth Volunteer Program Community Development:

 Started contractor license renewals.

 Dustin Graham attended 40 hours of ICC building code training and education.  Code Enforcement Officer Angie Scott passed the International Code Council Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector Exam. Congratulations Angie!


 2 Building Permits issued for a total estimated improvement value of $130,000.  7 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits.

 1 Construction, Excavation, or Obstruction in the Right of Way Permit. Current Construction Projects:

 WNCC Lineman School Classroom Expansion at 1621 E Kansas. They are now working on interior walls.

 Consumers COOP Credit Union at 1301 W 3rd – Working on exterior brick, interior drywall is nearly complete and waiting on finish work.

 CAPWN Head Start Remodel at 407 Black Hills – Phase 1 Permit, Phase 2 to take place after summer for a new daycare occupancy.

 Building Permit was issued for a new single-family residence at 1706 Nebrado Street in Homestead Addition.

Planning Commission:

 Final Plat of Karell Addition was approved at the February 11, 2025 meeting. It will be presented to Council after Public Works Department review.

 No Board of Adjustment meeting due to lack of agenda items.

Nuisance Abatement:

 82 new nuisance abatement contacts.

 Started working on the list of alley nuisances received from the Street Department. Electric:

 Continue installation of load control/disconnect boxes

 Framed and started setting poles on three-phase rebuild project north and east on Nance Road

 Operated generator at Cody plant per our MEAN agreement

 Attended retirement meeting

 Fixed/repaired street/flood lights as needed

 Energized three-phase service at Hospital for temporary MRI machine  Attended department safety meeting

 Delivered yearly paper shipment to various departments


 862 Riders


 Met with multiple department heads and council members; held staff meeting  Work on FY2026 Budget

 Researching construction methods and options to reduce the cost of housing construction.  Council Meeting included consideration of an updated donations policy and discussion on possible revisions to the sidewalk ordinance.

 Attended BBDC monthly board meeting

 Work on Public Transit grant application.