City of Alliance Reminds Citizens of Nuisance Abatement

The City of Alliance would like to remind our neighbors that we are enforcing Chapters 20 and 24 of the Alliance Municipal Code regarding property maintenance nuisances and obstructions in the City rights of way. These nuisances include but are not limited to junk, refuse, trailers, bricks, firewood, construction material, planters, small fences, and composters placed in the alley rights of way. Bushes, hedges, trees, and shrubs are not allowed to be planted in the alleyway, and tree branches overhanging from the adjacent property must be trimmed a minimum of 13.5 feet above the surface of the alley. These efforts are to ensure City motor graders and refuse trucks can safely pass through the alley for maintenance and refuse collection as well as for provide access for utility maintenance. Please keep in mind that all of Chapter 20 is still being enforced regarding general property maintenance nuisances and curb strip violations.