Mundt Presented with Quilt of Valor

Bobby Mundt was presented with a Quilt of Valor on Sunday, June 28 at the Alliance City Park. His quilt was pieced and bound by Nancy Horstman and quilted by Suzanne Walker.

Mundt was drafted into the US Army on January 21, 1964. He went through basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and trained on an M-14 rifle and received a medal for qualifying. He was then stationed for one week at Fort Ord, California with the 2nd Transportation Company before joining the rest of the team at Desert Strike in the Mojave Desert, Arizona. From there he returned to Fort Ord with the 2nd Transportation Company and was an audio-visual projectionist for the chemical detection team. Then he traveled to Camp Roberts, California, where he was a bus driver for the 6th Army Rifle Team. He was shipped to Vietnam in August 1965 via boat and stationed at Qui Nhon. On January 19, 1966 he was honorably discharged, earning a good conduct medal and a Vietnam service medal.

He served on the VFW Post 1517 Firing Squad from1970-2007, as Post Commander for VFW 1517 from 1972-1975 and from 1979-1982, as VFW District I Commander from 1991-2001, as VFW Post 1517 Quartermaster from 1999-present and on the Veterans County Service Board from1987-present. He is currently a member of the VFW Post 1517, American Legion Post #7 and Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie #136.