Elford Granted Quilt of Valor


Alliance Navy Veteran, Max Elford was recently awarded a Quilt of Valor by the local Panhandle Blocks chapter, assisted by the American Legion Riders flag line. The presentation took place at the Alliance City Park on Monday June 22 and the surprise was witnessed by several family members and friends. The Quilt was pieced and bound by Cindy Zurn and quilted by Linda Schneider.

Max, a Michigan native, entered the Navy on Nov 15, 1960 and was stationed in Scotland for 2 years, followed by 2 years in Washington, DC, as a machinist. He was honorably discharged in Nov. 1964. He moved to Alliance in July 1977 and began his 30 year career with BNSF, as a carded machinist; retiring in 2007.

Thank you for your service Max.