Underpass Project Completed Early

The Third Street Underpass project is open to traffic now after undergoing repairs as part of a project by the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

The underpass opened Friday morning, which, according to Alliance City Manager Jeff Sprock, was ahead of the project’s expected completion date.

“That project was really finished a week before that, but they had to let the concrete cure for seven days,” said Sprock. “They had until August 15 to finish the project, and their projected date to be finished was July 15, and they got it done and open on Friday.”

The renovation, which was entirely funded by the Nebraska Department of Transportation, was initially planned as part of an improvement project along Third Street from Cody Avenue to the east side of Alliance. However, after bids came back higher than the state had anticipated, the Nebraska Department of Transportation decided not to proceed with the entire project.

“It’s not a city project,” Sprock said. “The two lanes that go down the middle of that street are technically Highway 2, so they are the responsibility of the state of Nebraska. Since we weren’t able to get the overlay project, which included five lanes when you add the turning lane in there, the city didn’t have any portion of this project. We just worked with the state to make sure this project would happen this year.”

Sprock is hopeful that the State will revisit the Third Street improvement project at a later date.

“We’re hoping that they will let the rest of the project out to do the overlay again this fall,” Sprock said. “It also continues to be in the city’s budget for our portion of it. We’re far from done with the project, and there are a lot more improvements to come on Third Street, hopefully.”