Welcome Autumn With Community Shred Week

Seven years of bank statements and tax forms inserted a sheet at a time into that trusty wastebasket shredder. Doable over a span of several hours. Join Keep Alliance Beautiful instead during our Community Shred Week, Sept. 21-25.

KAB is again promoting a week for the public to schedule time for document shredding at the recycling center at 107 ½ Cheyenne Ave. (Second and Cheyenne). Call 308-762-1729 to make an appointment anytime that week, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Anyone interested in dropping off documents for the KAB staff to shred may stop by the center anytime. Have no worries, everything is kept confidential.

Area residents stop by to do their own shredding or bring papers to be shredded periodically throughout the year. By maintaining a medium-sized industrial shredder KAB is able to offer a service that also promotes recycling. We appreciate any donations to help offset the cost of operating the machine.

Community Shred Week may be the motivation to clean out dusty boxes or that nearly forgotten office filing cabinet. Perhaps the household bills and bank statements have been paperless for a while yet there are still years’ worth on file that could be turned into strips of letters and numbers. Maybe you have documents hanging around after this past tax season.

Shredded office paper is recycled into new paper products helping to reduce the demand for trees in the milling process. While companies grow trees as a sustainable resource for their mills, the tons of paper recycled annually through KAB (and throughout the United States) save the paper industry money that would otherwise be spent on virgin material.

During 2019 Community Shred Week was a success. Though people did not fill all the slots, the whir of that white cube could be heard more often than not as we would check on our current shredder and empty the machine’s full hopper. We saw individuals who only spent a few minutes on a grocery sack of envelopes. However, at least two or three businesses also took advantage of the service last year by dropping off pickup loads of full file boxes that required weeks for us to shred.

Whether you prefer to stop by Sept. 21-25 to shred yourself or would rather leave it to us, KAB is looking forward to helping out. If there is enough demand shred week may be scheduled more than once a year. I am not sure that shredding is the most exciting way to mark every new season, but, who knows, transforming sensitive information into new paper while avoiding data theft can be gratifying. From my perspective it is also fun to walk on top of a partially filled bin of shredded paper to compact the material. Not quite like the sand on a tropical beach though I can almost hear the seagulls and the surf.