Volunteers—The Backbone of Girl Scouts

While the Spirit of Nebraska Girl Scout Council has some of the most extraordinary people working to blend the traditions of Girl Scouting with the needs of today’s girls. . . the true backbone of Girl Scouts are the volunteers.

Besides being a co-leader, being a part of programs, camps and travel are great ways to volunteer too. Volunteers can choose a path to best utilize their experiences, expertise, skills, interests and availability. None of us are good at everything, but together… with the help of others, we can allow girls to experience and learn new things.

The Alliance Service Unit has 22 adults ready to do just that. From co-leaders to product managers, our 10 troops are in good hands. Service Unit Manager, Charlie Walters has done a terrific job over the last three years recruiting quality leadership and maintaining communication within our small town. Those who bring Girl Scouts to our town are committed to providing an environment where all girls have the opportunity to participate in a movement that encourages them to overcome barriers and become leaders in their community and the world.

Do you have a special skill or life experience you would like to share? Please email me at kblumanthal@girlscoutsnebraska.org