Focusing on Gratitude

During this holiday season, we focus on gratitude. Not only does this show good manners, it benefits you mentally, physically and emotionally. Taking time to reflect on the good things in your life helps reduce depression, strengthens your resiliency, increases self-esteem, helps to retain more positive thought processes and improves sleep. Here is a list of suggestions to make this season of giving and receiving more fulfilling:

* Talk about all the reasons to be grateful. This fosters communication skills and thankfulness.

* Take moments throughout this season to be the giver. Giving is more rewarding than receiving.

* If you receive a gift or act of kindness, make a handmade card to show what a grateful recipient you are. Write specifics about why you are grateful for that gift.

* Practice small gestures of kindness. You can hold the door open for someone, simply smile more or just use manners. Making others feel good makes you feel good too.

* Writing thank you notes or notes of encouragement to someone makes you physically feel better. Those who participate in a lifestyle of gratitude are found to be happier and more satisfied with life.

* If writing a thank you note is not your cup of tea, find a different way to express yourself. Make a video or take a photo with the gift you received and send it in a text!

* Always remember…whether it’s the perfect present or not, the gift giver went through a lot of effort to get it for you. Let that reflect in the message you convey in gratefulness.

We at Girl Scouts are forever grateful for our wonderful girls, volunteers and the support we receive throughout the year from our communities.