Girl Scout Advisory Group

There are many incredible facets of my job. One of the best things I get to do is guide a dynamic and creative group of sixth—12th grade girls from across the entire Panhandle of Nebraska into becoming stronger, self-sufficient leaders. These young ladies hang out together at monthly meetings while they brainstorm program ideas, work side-by-side with me at events and help create the important content we offer Girl Scouts across the entire state. These girls also perform community service together, travel statewide together and become lifelong friends. This is the Girl Scout Advisory Group (GSAG) and they are a force to be reckoned with. There are six Girl Scout Advisory Groups in the state of Nebraska. They meet in Alliance, North Platte, Grand Island, Columbus, Lincoln and Omaha.

Joining GSAG is easy! An interested girl must first be a registered Girl Scout in sixth—12th grades. Next, she is asked to complete a simple 1-day Program Aide Training offered by the council. This training prepares her for all the ins and outs of running a smooth program. Finally, she is asked to attend monthly meetings. Her input is crucial to Girl Scouts staying relevant and honoring traditions at the same time. If you have an older girl that is looking to become a trailblazer and stronger leader, contact me at

Now’s the perfect time to start a new chapter in your life!