Box Butte Junior Leader Spotlight

Hi, I am Wade Sanders. I am a junior at Alliance High School. My favorite 4-H project is the beef project. I have shown a beef every year since I was eight years old. My most memorable 4-H experience was competing at the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest in Louisville, Ken. It was awesome to see new places and meet new people while we were there. My 4-H experience has been great. I have made friends that I will keep in touch with the rest of my life. I have also gained memories and experiences that I will always look back and think about.

Name: Hadley Shrewsbury

Grade: Six

Favorite Projects: Pigs

Favorite 4-H Memory: Working at the Junior Leaders Pop Booth at fair

4-H goal for 2021: Do better in showmanship with my pig.

My name is Jett Herian. I am a seventh grader at Alliance Middle School. My favorite fair project is pigs. I have many 4-H memories but my favorite ones are probably the mud fights at the Bit and Boot arena at the fairgrounds and just being in the livestock barn with friends having a great time.