APL Board Ready to Get Back on Track

This week will mark the first meeting of the Alliance Public Library and Foundation board since August of 2020. Like all of us, they are looking forward to a return to normalcy not only within the library, but also in the services it provides to the community. I am lucky as a Library Director to have these board members, who all serve voluntarily to help us make this library the best it can be. We are all looking forward to a spring and summer full of activities that will bring us get back up to speed safely and effectively.

Our current members include Tom Price, Maxine Anderson, Wally Seiler, Travis O’Gorman, Kayel Lambert, and Aimee Otto. This is a well-rounded group, with each of them bringing their own unique perspective to the development of the library’s policies and procedures. I am looking forward to their insight from a community perspective as to what direction we will be taking the library in 2021. All efforts will be concentrated on creating an atmosphere of a community center, which is what a library’s role should be. I am excited to work with this group to see just what we can get done! Stay tuned for
