Leader Spotlight

1. Name Rhonda Cox

2. Tell me about your own family and who the Girl Scout is in your family. My husband, KC is a locomotive engineer for the BNSF Railroad. I am a bookkeeper at R.K. Nelson & Associates. Our daughter, Courtney is a Senior at Alliance High School and in her last year of Girl Scouting.

3. Troop grade and number 12th grade Ambassador/ Troop 10202

4. How long have you been a leader?6 years

5. Why did you step up to lead? Our leader got a job with Girl Scouts, so Susan Banks and I decided to co-lead the troop.

6. Which badge has been your favorite to watch the girls earn? Why? I don’t have a favorite. I like them all. They each have their special part to learn in life.

7. What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? Caramel Delites

8. Which summer activity are you looking forward to the most? Working in my flowerbeds.

9. How have you kept Girl Scouts fun and interesting for your troop? I try to do what the girls are interested in doing, or a community project to help the community.

10. How have you seen your troop grow through Girl Scouts? As the girls have matured, they help each other out and work as a team.

11. What is something you’ve learned about Girl Scouts since you became a leader? If you are doing a big project you should get permission from the Girl Scout Council first.

12. Who is a strong female role model you admire and why? My mom. She has been through a lot in her life and she is a fighter. Even though she’s been through so much, she is still a nice person to everybody.

13. What is your favorite tea, cocoa or coffee order? Mocha coffee or a rich hot cocoa.

14. Hobbies? Growing flowers and crafting.

15. Dream concert? Mannheim Steamroller or the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.