City Announces Tire Amnesty Event

The City of Alliance is partnering with Keep Alliance Beautiful and Nebraska Department of Roads to provide the community the ability to recycle tires free of charge. This event is grant funded by Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy.

This event will be hosted at the City of Alliance Landfill located at 1441 Kansas Street from Friday, April 30 through Wednesday, May 5, excluding Sunday, May 2. Hours of operation will be from

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

There will be no charge to the public during this time for tires brought into the Landfill for disposal. This event is limited to Box Butte and Sheridan Counties. No tires will be accepted from participants who have accepted fees to accumulate tires. All rims must be removed from tires before being accepted. Amnesty will be discontinued after 500 tons has been reached.

For more information about this event, please contact the Landfill at (308) 762-2705.