April Blizzards Bring…

April showers brings May flowers…or if you live in Alliance, the possibility of a blizzard.

You just never know! When not sledding, its always windy enough to do some great kite flying.

A couple of years ago Dave Pearse of Redman’s fame arranged a city kite flying day at Carhenge. It was so awesome, every kind of kite that you could imagine hovering over the cars in the sunshine. My favorite kites were the super long tailed ones, dragon ones. Long ago I had a baby bat, it was so cool. I wish I still had that today. There is nothing more fun than kite flying!

The parks are starting to green up, more kids daily are heading to play on all the playground equipment. I still think the old funky stuff we had at central park was best: that tall twisting slide, and my favorite, I don’t know the name of, it had three poles that met in the middle, and suspended from that was a teeter totter type of seat, two riders and you could swing all directions and circle it around. We always liked the big barrel you could run in too. Seems like the daring aspects of the rides has gone by the way side.

With spring around the corner, we will see even more people at the disc golf course. Last weekend with the sun shining and warm temperatures, discs were flying all over! Glad to see so many out and about. Laing Park was full! Next, I drove out to the golf course. I swear those guys would play in the snow if they could. Tons of golf carts out, folks walking, and the grass is already greening up nicely.

So while out that way, I stopped at the Vets Cemetery to say hi to my hubby. It always looks so pristine. Those folks work hard to make it perfect. I won a tree from West Pine Tree Farm in a raffle, and decided to donate it to the cemetery. I can’t wait until they bring it out and plant it. I’m thinking if more folks donated a tree, they would have some nice windbreaks and shade.

Won’t be long and they will be uncovering the fountain, cleaning out the spouts, the pool, changing colored lights out and making sure everything is working correctly. As soon as you see to cover removed, it sends you into memories. First time you saw it and how it’s changed over the years. How it is such a treat to get that ice cream and sit there and watch it. How one year the mosquitoes about ate you alive, yet, it was worth it. Remembering senior pictures there, wedding pictures, friends together having a fun day. I really don’t think any of us take our fountain for granted, we smile every time we drive by and it’s on. Stop in the day to enjoy it while eating lunch, whether in the car or at a table. Yes we love our fountain.

Soon our Sunken Gardens and pillars will begin the finishing stages of the main park. More beauty we are very proud of.

Spring really is around the corner, tulips and daffodils starting to poke through, the Sandhills are beginning to green up as the calving process comes to an end.

Living where we do is really amazing.