
Graduation is right around the corner.

It seems as a child, the day will never come. I remember standing in line at Central School the first day of fourth grade thinking of the kids who had moved up to middle school. They must be really old. And those kids in high school were probably already married and stuff.

Then as middle school came my way, I looked at those critters at grade school, and thought, what babies. And the high school kids, how old they were. Then I hit high school. Looking back, they were all babies.

Graduation is the beginning of lasts. The last homecoming, last prom, last football game, last tennis match, school play, last time you are all together to run to Deelite bakery for those wonderful cabbage burgers, and cruise the Butte until time to go back to school. Last pictures being taken for the annual, and last time you are with all your friends. And worst of all the last time you walk out of that building, it really hits you—you’re done—last time that bell will tell you to get it in gear and get to class. Last time you walk out that door. Your childhood is finished.

For some reason I was really sensitive to all that. After school I was planning a wedding. Most of my friends were either getting married, or headed for college, or the military. We would all scatter, leaving each other behind to start new lives. Little by little we saw less of each other. My best friend Sonja and I are still close and in constant touch after 55 years. The rest I see and hear from, and get together when in the area. The group of friends I hung out with was really a pretty close bunch looking back on it. The gals and guys that made up our friends we were quite the motley crew. I just never realized for many it would be years before we connected again. You never imagine that can happen.

Graduation is an ending that I don’t think hits you until it happens. Knowing that once the summer months are over. Everyone will be scattered, many won’t see each other ever again.

Yes, it is a time for firsts, and being away from family for the first time. Going to a new school, or new job, or the many things everyone will be doing. Kinda scary along with exciting. Thank goodness technology is with our kids now—phone calls you don’t have to wait until after seven to make a long distance call home to mom. Zoom gives reassurance that your kids look okay, see them and hear them! Computer and messaging for quick access.

Best wishes to all the young people graduating in 2021. I hope your lives are amazing!