Make New Friends

The sisterhood of Girl Scouts is not only felt by the girls, but by the adults involved too. It’s an organization that brings strong women together to mentor, inspire, lead and build friendships of their own. And, when you least expect it, a friendship is formed. This recently happened to me!

Writing this weekly column has allowed me to share the real Girl Scout moments of quiet service and persistent skill-building. Stories of community, laughter and songs around a campfire. Stories of astronomy clubs and the introduction of a new cookie flavor. Little did I know that the article about the Toast-Yay would be read by someone in St. Louis, Missouri! But, that’s exactly what happened. I received an email from Lori. from St. Louis, saying she was interested in buying some Girl Scout cookies. She was especially interested in the new Toast-Yay. Since her grown daughters had been Girl Scouts and her family are big fans of trying the new cookie flavors, she was intrigued by the news that a cinnamon toast cookie existed. She looked locally and found that the Toast-Yay was not available in her area, as Missouri Girl Scout Councils use a different cookie baker. She was so motivated to try this cookie that she emailed me.

This email led to phone calls, many fun conversations about Girl Scouts memories, cookie season antics and of course, our families. Lori shared with me about her two dynamic daughters and their accomplishments. Ironically, her daughter, Gwyneth is an aspiring entrepreneur is the midst of starting her own candle business. This is ironic because the theme of our Girl Scout year is #GirlScoutBoss, all things Entrepreneurship!! That connection with Lori led me to a friendship with her daughter, Gwyneth. Now Gwyneth has become one of my “go-to” speakers for my Girl Scouts this year. She shares details of the research, work and passion that goes into starting a business. Gwyneth talks openly of the failures that lead to the clarity needed for success. She is young, approachable and the girls love her. She has reconnected with the Girl Scout sisterhood and is giving back to it. And, we at Girl Scouts are cheering her on! Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold. Maybe that could inspire her next candle scent?