Point of Rock Chapter NSDAR Minutes



Point of Rock Chapter, NSDAR, met for a dessert meeting at the home of Joni Merrigan, May 1, 2021 with 10 members and guests present. Joni server a delicious dessert before the meeting started.

Regent Audrey Howler led us in the Opening Ritual and Pledge of Allegiance. The first business was to award the 2021 Eda Hempel DAR Scholarship to Katelyn Varner, daughter of Shawn and Amy Varner. Katelyn is graduating from Hemingford High School and will attend Chadron in the fall.

Congratulations Katelyn, it has been fun watching you grow and now graduate and going to college. Our prayers and best wishes go with you.

Indian Minutes: Northwest woodlands-Includes the Iroquois Indians of New York, the Wappani, and the Shawnee. They are grouped by the type of language spoken.

National Defense Report: Law Day and the Rule of Law: Law Day, celebrated on May1 and throughout the month of May, has been a visible part of American legal culture since President Dwight D. Eisenhower established it in 1958 to celebrate the rule of law in a free society. During WW11 he had seen firsthand what happens when the rule of law breaks down. Quote from President Eisenhower,”The clearest way to show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall what has happened when there is no rule of law.”

Secretary’s report was approved as read.

Unfinished Business: Awards will be handed out for Outstanding Work in American History at Awards Ceremonies: St Agnes, Josie Sanders…Alliance Middle School, Emily McCune….Lutheran School, Proslee Sterkel….Hemingford Middle School, Zoe Bunnel. Congratulations recipients.

Program: Joni gave a history of the Kentucky Derby since it is being run this day and has been since 1875…145 years. It is the longest running sporting event in the US. It is called the greatest 2 minutes of sports, the race is for 1 ¼ miles. It is held at Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY. It is steeped in tradition and watched around the world.

Regent Audrey thanked Joni for being our host today and June 5th we will meet at the Knight Museum. Linda Lebeda will be our hostess.

Meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m.