Family Saves Recycling During Pandemic

Cars drive up to the Keep Alliance Beautiful Recycling Center every weekday, usually dropping off a few bags. A full pickup or SUV is not uncommon. Horse trailers, however, get everyone’s attention because we know the driver has traveled a ways and could have a sizable load.

A month ago, Craig and Erin Merrihew and their children pulled up with a packed white, four-horse trailer from their ranch south of Ashby. As we hustled to move cardboard to the baler and unload about every other material the center accepts, the older kids were a huge help. I snapped a quick group photo before they left then talked to the Merrihews again last week over the phone.

Erin referenced how long they have been recycling based on the Covid 19 pandemic. She explained they started a year before Covid while traveling to Alliance once a week, taking materials to the KAB trailers then.

“When everyone was told to quarantine in March (2020), we hunkered down and got most everything delivered by mail . . . stayed on the ranch mostly,” Erin said, noting she had worked in healthcare.

As a family with six children (six to 15 years old), the Merrihews generate a fair amount of recycling every week or two. What they hauled to KAB in May was a year’s worth of material kept out of their trash bins. “As a family of eight, (you) need to be responsible with what you consume,” Erin said.

Craig and Erin agreed that a primary benefit of recycling is the reduction in trash they haul to Ashby. Erin said they have a fourth of the trash generated before starting to recycle.”That’s just nice,” she said. “We can rinse things off and put them in our bin.”

Craig said recycling is easy when they can take a load on regular trips to town. Though Hyannis has a recycling trailer, he still opts to wait until reaching Alliance to unload because the KAB trailers are larger and accept a wider variety of materials. He said since they have been vaccinated for Covid the family is making regular trips to Alliance again.

There are plenty of chores for children in most households, especially on a ranch. Recycling is part of that list in the Merrihew home. Joia, 10, said she helps sort stuff out sometimes, load the car and wash yogurt cups out. “What I like about recycling is that I know that it’s helping a little bit,” she said, adding that she doesn’t like “when cardboard gets piled somewhere.”

Levi, 12, said, “It helps the environment and keeps stuff from polluting the ocean and all that. (Loading) is usually tiresome, but makes a difference, but it’s worth it.”

Craig explained the family began recycling as they have “been more mindful.”

Evident from their year long quarantine period load, the Merrihews take advantage of just about everything KAB processes. However, Erin is considering how they can winnow down their waste stream further by bagging Orange Hefty Energy Bag items.

Full horse trailer from the Sandhills or single sack on the seat of a sedan, we look forward to seeing you at the center.