‘Honestly, It’s Not For Everyone’

“Honestly, it’s not for everyone.” While the latest Nebraska state tourism tagline attempts to bring tourism dollars to the local economies, these words equally describe being involved with horses, and more specifically horses whose main purpose is to bring joy to the lives of their human counterparts.

Horses bring joy in so many ways, many of which are unexpected. In western Nebraska, you know where its flat and dusty all the time, you’d be hard pressed to find any random person who doesn’t have a fond memory of visiting the farm of a grandparent, aunts or uncles and when they were young, were placed atop the family horse and given a life-changing ride around the corral being led by who was sure to become a favorite relative from that moment on. While the excitement and uncontrolled giddiness from that ride in the saddle may subside and never become the spark for future involvement in horse shows or pleasure riding, that initial travel through the barnyard creates an indelible image deep in that child’s psyche. The smell of fresh hay in the feeders, the squeak of the saddle leather, the sound of the horse’s breathing and occasional nose blow all add to the sensory experience which cannot be found anywhere else. Even the misstep in to a pile of road apples distributed by the horses becomes a source of humor and fond memories. For the fortunate ones who feed on this horse-centered energy, a lifetime of smiles, rewarding relationships and character-building events will be the payoff. As stated above, this passion and lifestyle is not for everyone. But unapologetically, people who come together with horses and learn to share their hearts will most certainly receive more than they ever give.

Perhaps it was a pleasurable childhood experience that brings people back to the barn, so to say, but EPH has experienced the visiting and subsequent developing passion from individuals which can be described as anything but children. These adults, who in their wisdom from many years upon the earth, understand the importance of getting the most out of life, checking another item off the bucket list, and truly appreciate how horses offer an opportunity to develop relationships unique to equines. Proven as therapists in their own right, horses are able to fill voids and increase personal development in the lives of the humans around them. Direct and immediate responses with non-judgmental reactions are a horse’s specialty. It never hurts to have your favorite horse nicker and come to the gate when you arrive, even without a treat or bucket of grain. A meaningful interaction based in friendship and mutual respect gets many people through difficult days or heart-breaking events; the horse offers this possibility in ways unmatched by other animals and even people.

At EPH, horses and people come together. Granted, it may not be for everyone, but like a visit deep in to the wilds of our beautiful state, until you get off the highway and out of the vehicle, you may never discover that horses are for you.