Happy People

I heard on the radio about a small town that said they had 466 happy people and a few grumps. Now, there is no way that you could ever cull the grumps out of the herd but just dream for a minute that you could. If you put all the grumps in one room I think most of them would vote for some of the happy people and say they were the grumps.

One of life’s hardest challenges, I think anyway, is to see ourselves as we really are. We are just plain and simple good deniers, good at passing the buck, full of pride and arrogance. A well not known secret though is when you really know yourself from God’s evaluation, life can begin, one can grow like a weed. One who knows themselves in Christ will become less hateful, less arrogant, less judgmental, and even less condemning of your very own self, less fearful of life.

God knit us together in our mother’s womb, every organ, every bone, all your brains, eyes and ears, I think He knows who we are and what the solution to life is. The real truth is that we are not better than the world’s worst criminal but yet loved, forgiven, covered in a robe of righteousness that no one can condemn, even ourselves. God does love you, it is easier to love and respect others when you know the truth and when you know God loves you. Learn more in His Holy House!