Estrada Presented with Quilt of Valor

Sergeant Keith Randolph Estrada was recently presented with a quilt of valor at the city park fountain.

Keith Randolph Estrada joined the United States Army in 1982 in Fort Knox Kentucky. With the company D, 13th Battalion, 4th training Brigade. Keith was a vehicle system mechanic until honorably discharged in 1985. However, he was hooked and re-enlisted later that year and remained until honorably discharged again in 1993, with the rank of Sergeant. He first spent his time in Ledward, Germany where he was in the 3rd Battalion 19th Infantry Mechanic Division. While in Germany he did as Keith does, his personality won him loyal friends and serviceman and maybe a few reprimands but always a good time. Keith is the best of men, strong on the outside and kind on the outside, the first to come to your aid.

Keith received a certificate of appreciation for outstanding performance while performing his duty as a mechanic, supporting “Task Force Rock” at Fort Drum, New York for headquarters and headquarters company, 3rd Battalion (Mechanized), 19th infantry, Fort Stewart, Georgia. During the preparation phase, specialist Estrada aided immensely in trouble shooting and correcting any deficiencies found on vehicles going to Fort Drum. He assisted with the road of 30 vehicles for 90 miles and handled their recovery and repair along the way. During his stay at Fort Drum, he provided timely maintenance support to any driver who requested it, around the clock. After two weeks of punishing training for vehicles, he expertly prepared them for a flight home. This reflects great credit upon yourself, this command and the United States Army, for exceptional and outstanding service to the 3rd Battalion (Mechanic) 19th Infantry, Pierce R/Graney, JR LTC Infantry Commanding.

During his time in the military he received numerous commendations for his actions. In 1990 Keith was involved with “Operation Just Cause”. Which was military efforts to restore freedom to Panama. He was involved with many other major military operations during this juncture of his military time,

Estrada received several certificates of achievement through the years accrediting him with being a “team player”, having the “highest standards”, a “dedication to duty”, having “great attention to detail, and an “aggressive spirit”. He received the Overseas Service Ribbon, The Army Achievement Medal, Marksman Badge (Rifle-M16A1), First Class Badge (Hand Grenade), The Good Conduct Medal, a Certificate of Appreciation, and Outstanding Soldier.