A Bad Reputation

There was a mining town that had a bad reputation for drinking, shootings, fights galore, gambling, prostitution, etc. The town was about a mile long and the History book calls it the Hell Mile.

On both ends of Hell Mile there were a Church. I am guessing those Churches stood out like a sore thumb to the party goes anyway, yet maybe God used the Church People to brighten their corners in the daily activities of the week even if they were maybe shunned?

I think we all live in a hell mile, I think the whole world has been a hell mile since the Fall in the Garden. Just think of Eve who lived in Paradise and a little later she loses a son who got murdered. Worse yet her son got killed by her other son.

Sin is quite prevalent in this world and there is no escaping it and God wants us out there in the middle of hell mile to let His Light shine through us. What a golden opportunity we have in life, remember I didn’t say easy.

We always have the Church on both ends to run to so we can get our own tanks filled up again, and He does all this because He loves us more than our sinful hearts will ever understand on this side. Sunday Church tomorrow, will you be able to get there and get refreshed?