Following Jesus

Jesus taught about God and about Himself being the Son of God. In John, chapter 6, Jesus taught the disciples that He is the bread of life. He taught the greatest thing the followers can do is to believe that God sent Him into the world (verse 29). Many did not like His message. They relied on their own beliefs. Jesus also spoke about paying the price for salvation in John 6:41-59. The disciples said in verse 60, that was a hard teaching accept. After that Jesus asked a question in verse 67, that all have to answer: “You do not want to leave too, do you?”

Perhaps you have considered Jesus’ sayings as hard teachings. Maybe following Jesus hasn’t measured up to what you expected and you want to find something else. Even among the congregation the expectations of your life may not be what you thought, so you find another congregation which agrees with you. (If that happens, who is boss?) Peter brought the subject of leaving to a right conclusion. He said to Jesus, “Lord, to whom shall we go?” You have the words of eternal life. We believe and know that you are the holy one of God” (John 6:70-71).

We can be challenged as was Peter to turn away when the truth gets hard. Or, we can accept Jesus and learn those hard truths as God’s will, ending in heaven and living with God eternally.

Thanks for giving God a chance!