An Education

Life is an education, the old folks use to always say the 3 r’s, reading, riting, rithmetic, I would like to add a 4th r redemption. When a precious baby is born, you hug them, feed them, talk to them etc., but it takes the baby a long time to figure out what you are really saying and doing.

In our short lives everyone of us is getting educated every day. Marriage is an education, learning to give instead of trying to receive, going to work is an education, learning to do things for others instead of just self, being a person is an education, learning who you really are, banning all blame and denial. Understanding others is an education, listening and trying to figure out what they are really saying not what we think they are saying. Being a Christian is the loveliest of all educations.

It is an education that you never complete, you are forever learning, you even learn to accept failure. In life our education is valuable and it is not our brains that get in the way it is our hearts that get in the way. Each and every one of us because of sin possess sinful desires and no matter where you are they will expose themselves and get in the way.

Our prideful education will try overcome or deny it but our spiritual education will confess and ask for help in overcoming it. We are not here to show the world what we can do, say, or look like, we are here as reflectors of God’s light and helping others.

Living for self might give you pleasure for a time maybe, but living for God and others will give you a lifetime of Godly learning and an eternal life when this one is over. He does all this because He loves us.