A Good Foundation

In my Bible reading this morning it talked about building a house on a good foundation. The footnotes asked why would one build a house without a good foundation?

Perhaps to save time and money, perhaps the beach house is more attractive, perhaps all one’s friends have beach houses. Perhaps one didn’t think about any storms coming, or if they did they would miss out? We don’t think about the foundation much when everything is calm but when the storm comes we are more thankful for the foundation.

The footnotes said that the Christian life is like building a house on a solid foundation. Most of us have experienced storms and they are not pleasant. I think if we haven’t we surely all will someday. In our modern day world there are many things out there to mitigate things but in real life God is the only one who can calm our souls and give us hope and a way to move on.

He does all this because He does love us and may God bless your day and may you rest your house on Him!