Guide Us in the Right Direction

News this morning again told us how bad the political parties are. One station declares war on the Republicans, while another wages war on the Democrats. It reminds us of the many religious groups, each declaring how right they are and how others have missed the mark. Could there be an answer and a platform to stand on? Is there a way to know who is right and who missed something along the way? To know and have personal freedom is not to hold court to declare others guilty. To know the truth is to mold your life to truth and live in that freedom. For politics, the Constitution is the platform of America to guide our decisions. How do I vote? What is right? Check out the Constitution! In doing so we can live with personal freedom on issues which seem to divide.

For direction in life, we can check out the truth in the Bible. The Bible reveals a relationship which God wants to have with you. And, the Bible is reliable. A favorite Scripture for us to build our lives on is II Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” The term “all Scripture” referred at that time to the Old Testament. Knowing the past can, and should, build our relationship to God. Jesus refers to His own teaching in Matthew 7:24-27. He lets us know we can build our lives with wisdom by following His words. Mark 7:9, warns us to not reject His words in order to follow our own traditions. (Traditions are fine if they don’t cause rejection of God’s word.) Jesus told His followers: “Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will never pass away” (Mark 13:31).

My life has been changed as the Bible became my rock to build upon. For unity in politics, let us use the Constitution. For unity in Christ, find Biblical answers.