Comparisons to Life

I love to play 4 point pitch, I think it is the most simplest game ever but yet so exciting. It has all the unknowns in it that I think makes it exciting. You don’t know what is high or what is low. You don’t know if the jack is out there and how many tens. and that is the game in the nutshell.

Can it be compared to life at all?

There are so many unknowns in life. We don’t know what we want to do in life starting out, I guess some do. We don’t how the kids will turn out. We don’t know if we can put some money in the right place for retirement.

We don’t know if our mouth will say the wrong thing this day. We don’t know what the doctor will say. We don’t know what day will be our last.

We don’t know what eternal life will be like. I am dead sure if we all really knew what was ahead we would sure act differently this day. We do know that God is Love and we can be like the Psalmist, “The Lord delights in those that fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love.