Truthfully Devoted

When Solomon became king of the Israelite nation (I Kings 1-2), he was a God-fearing king and God was pleased with him (I Kings 3:4-15). I Kings 3:28 and 4:29-34, tell us Solomon became a wise king. God blessed him and Solomon praised God. Then, as time went by, pleasing God as his purpose in life, faded and sensual desires, or immorality, took over. In I Kings 11:4, are sad words about Solomon’s life: “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God.” Verse 6, follows with: “So Solomon did not follow the Lord completely.” Read more of Solomon’s failure in I Kings 10:23 – 11:13.

Some truths come from this portion of Scripture. Solomon’s father, King David, has the opposite experience with life. David went from sin (lust, adultery, murder) to become a man after God’s own heart or ways, Acts 13:22. That surely gives hope to all of us. Solomon went from trusting God in everything to choosing where and when he would follow God, or where and when he would choose not to follow. The comments about not following God become extra forceful when they are connected with “…not fully devoted… and …did not follow the Lord completely…”

Do the words, “that’s good enough” ever occur in regard to God and His will? Does “good enough” ever explain your relationship to God’s church? Resolve to use “fully devoted and completely” in your relationship with God and with His Son, Jesus.