Paying the Price

You have maybe heard the old saying, “You have made your own bed now sleep in it.” Maybe derives from someone angry at a decision you made, or maybe someone angry at you for what you have done? I reckon it can be kind of harsh, I reckon it can be stark reality hitting home.

We are all sinful no doubt and sometimes we can say or do things without knowing the full consequences or realizing what we really have done.

I know I could see myself in that picture when I was young and knew everything. Yes we still have to pay the price for justice sake. Sometimes we pay the price with our nagging conscience and lowered attitude. God knows we are weak and easily tempted to failure.

Nice thing about God is He will go to bed with you, He will go to work with you, He will go with you wherever you go, comforting you and consoling you when you seek forgiveness. As humans we are capable of being unforgiving to others but that is not the nature of God. He leaves the 99 and goes out to restore the one who is lost.

In your need of forgiveness make sure you knock and ask because He is always there for you, ready to lift you up and He even turns that disgrace into good for your sake, all because He loves you and I!