Conversation Without Words

Last year, five EPH volunteers travelled to Minnesota and successfully completed a seminar certification in Faith-Based Equine Assisted Philosophy. This enlightened program created a calling to return to our area and offer it to anyone who feels they would benefit from their involvement. It begged the questions: Is it possible to have a meaningful conversation without uttering a single word? Or even a single sound? With a horse it is very possible and it happens more than you think.

As a sentient being, horses are the perfect candidate to become an effective partner in a trauma recovery process. At East Point Horspice a new program is taking shape, and moving out of the fledgling stage, with the goal to use horses as facilitators in a conversation driven to allow participants an opportunity to overcome life’s unanticipated challenges to help regain control or lessen stress. These challenges, like us, are unique and sometimes ill-defined, but the process is fluid and adaptable making it suitable for whatever it faces. There truly is no limit to any struggle this program can address.

The key is the horse’s ability to accurately reflect the thoughts and emotions of the participants and perform this instantaneously without agendas or judgments. There is no dependence on one’s prior horsemanship skills or experiences, as the process is solely based on the non-verbal communication of the horse with the human. The tasks performed by the participants become analogies intended to open lines of communication thus creating mental space to evaluate how the conversation may represent the challenges needing to be resolved. As you would expect, the analogies can reflect each individual’s personal beliefs; that is to say they run the gamut from secular ideals to Christ-centered convictions depending on the person involved. It can be argued that the horse is the perfect creation which lends itself to the concept of being the consummate representation of religious notions. Through their non-judgmental and honest responses, horses make this look easy and neglect no one. Inclusion in the conversation is a given.

Over the years, EPH has enjoyed the privilege of witnessing the near miraculous results of relationships between horses and humans. The summer riding program, individual horsemanship lessons and inspired volunteer opportunities have generated a front-row seat to this delightful show. The EPH motto of “Where people and horses come together” has proven time and again to be accurate and satisfying while continuing to evolve. Programs such as described above are another wonderful excuse to spend time around the horses. For further questions and possible involvement, contact East Point Horspice at (308) 762-3848 or