How Much is Enough?

Most Americans appreciate the life of Jesus. God tells us in Romans 5:8, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” My thought and application from Christ’s life are the questions: Why did Christ have to die? Could He have lived a hero’s life, but stopped short of death? Isn’t asking Christ to die too much?

To apply these thoughts to my life and yours, I ask: How much is enough in living the Christ-like life? How much time should be used for Christian pursuits? How much money should be invested? How much of my talent should be involved? How much is enough? In the book of Hebrews, chapter 11, is an account of many who gave until death, as did Jesus. Is that giving too much? But, what if Jesus had stopped short of death? Would He then have been a sacrifice for us?

I don’t know how much is enough in living for Jesus in your life, but I suggest the application of Romans 12:1-2. Thanks for reading this!