Some Things are The Same

The tv said the other day that the USA was the most diverse nation in the world.

I reckon that sounds reasonable being we are living in the land of the free and also have immigration. How does that strike you? Is it more opportunity to show kindness or more opportunity to show indifference?

Yes I think we are plenty diverse politically, economically, culturally and even on religion. But there are a couple of things that we are much the same in and that is we all need oxygen, we will all die, and we all need love and forgiveness. Where we going to get this love? Do we have to seek out special friends and family? No not really any of those choices.

God truly loves us even though we are so different from Him in thoughts ,words, and deeds. He fills our hearts with His love so that we can truly love others even if we don’t have much in common. Is there really anything more important that you can do this very day than to love others. Anyone can be a griper at the family dinner, anybody can be a trouble maker at work and complain, doesn’t take any special talent to do that.

But it does take the love of God for us to think of others and to get in touch with them and help and listen where we can. What will you do with your time today? Tomorrow today is gone make the best of your opportunities, give a smile, give a hi, hold the door, there are a million things you and I can do all because God loves us.