Thinking of Horses

If you don’t currently have a horse to call your own, perhaps you dream about horses. Interpreting the meaning of horses in your dreams is subject to countless viewpoints and might even be considered to hold the same credibility of an 1850’s snake oil salesman. But, as horses are prone to do, the topic makes one think.

A good starting point when giving meaning to a horse in your dream is the horse’s color. Generally, there is reasonable consensus about colors. Typically, a white horse can represent the purity of the color white combined with the strength of a horse; this allows it to symbolize overcoming obstacles and defeating darkness and negativity. Conversely, a black horse can symbolize the unconscious and appear as symbols of a quintessential shadow. Mystery and no clear definitions may be available with the black horse dreamer. Combining stark white and black on a horse can indicate a mindset that is black and white, all or nothing, with no room for grey. Perhaps the universe is suggesting a less rigid view of the world may be needed. As an alternative, a dappled horse in your dream can represent creativity and perhaps you are destined to produce works consistent with a genius mind. Perhaps the most common color in horses, brown, symbolizes stability, comfort, and home. Brown horses can represent feeling safe and secure in our relationships and ourselves.

Regardless of color, to dream of horses easily gliding across the landscape, running free with flowing manes, is considered a very positive experience. These sorts of dreams are said to symbolize a desire for independence or confirmation of already having achieved desired goals in your life. A variation of this are dreams where you are riding horses. These dreams may be generated if you are currently feeling pain in your legs and/or feet; luckily relief may be near as these dreams symbolize that the pain should be coming to an end soon.

What if you fall off a horse in your dream? Some may consider this a bad omen and that a metaphorical fall is about to happen in the waking world. However, a positive twist to this dream is the thought that it symbolizes our getting used to something currently not familiar to us. The fall might ironically represent your perseverance and dedication to getting back in the saddle and gaining the skills and confidence required to eventually ride like the wind. After all, who hasn’t fallen off a horse when learning to ride?

As you’ve probably deduced, here at East Point Horspice horses tend to consume our waking and sleeping hours. A bit of advice is to remember that dreams are not necessarily prophecies but rather messages from the psyche to remind us of what might need attention in your life at this moment. We couldn’t think of a better dream partner than a horse, so no matter the vision, life is better with horses.