Veterans Honored with Quilts of Valor

Editor’s Note: This story is part one of a two-part story.

In honor of National Vietnam War Veterans Day, on March 29, 12 local veterans were honored with Quilts of Valor during a ceremony at VFW #1517.

Those who were honored include U.S. Marine Corps veteran Jerry Bauer, U.S. Navy veteran Dan Bayless, U.S. Army veteran John Courtney, U.S. Army veteran George Dunovsky, U.S. Army veteran Glen Charles Jenkins, U.S. Army veteran Jerry Johnson, U.S. Army veteran Vern Lubash, U.S. Army veteran Ron McDermott, U.S. Army and Nebraska Army National Guard veteran Bob Miller, U.S. Army veteran Rich Pascale, U.S. Army veteran Allen Ritter and U.S. Army veteran Lee Wortman.

Along with the Quilts of Valor, the veterans were presented with Vietnam War lapel pins through part of a partnership with the Vietnam Commemoration Program.

Jerry Bauer was inducted into the Armed Forces on Jan. 20, 1970 in Denver, Colo., where he was assigned to the Marine Corps. He underwent Basic Training in San Diego, Calif., and then he went to the Infantry Training Regiment at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

Bauer was assigned to the Data Processing Center in Area 22 of Service Company, Headquarter and Service Battalion, Marine Corps Base. He was stationed there for 18 months, and was given an Honorable Discharge from Active Duty. He was transferred to the Marine Corps Reserve in Kansas City, Mo. Bauer was given a final discharge on Jan. 19, 1976.

Bauer’s Quilt of Valor was made by Suzanne Walker.

Dan Bayless joined the United States Navy in December 1967, and he attended Basic Training in San Diego, Calif. After Basic training, he transferred to Memphis, Tenn., where he served as an airplane mechanic. He was discharged in 1971, achieving the rank of ADR3 Petty Officer 3rd Class.

Bayless’s Quilt of Valor was made by Linda Schneider.

John Courtney was stationed in Germany from 1973-1976 during the Vietnam Era in the Army. He achieved the rank of SP4, serving as a crane operator. His awards include the National Defense Service Medal, Sharp Shooter Medal and Good Conduct Medal. Courtney’s Quilt of Valor was made by Linda Schneider.

George Dunovsky was drafted into the Army in May 1966. He attended Basic Training in Fort Polk, La., and shipped out to Vietnam in 1966. Dunovsky served in a recon headquarters company snd of the 22nd 4th Infantry Division, operating a 106 Recoilless Weapon.

Dunovsky was wounded in action on March 17, 1967, and was awarded a Purple Heart. After hospitalization, he returned to his company, which combined with the 25th Infantry and served out his tour of duty. He exited the military in May 1968.

Dunovsky’s Quilt of Valor was made by Suzanne Walker.

Glen Charles Jenkins served in the United States Army from 1960-1968. During that time, he was stationed in South Korea and South Vietnam. In 1968, he was injured in the Blue House Raid. He was discharged in 1968 and awarded a Purple Heart. His Quilt of Valor was pieced by Iris Cummings, quilted by Jody Meer and bound Kathy Oye and Vic Bolek.

Jerry Johnson was drafted in the Army in 1969. He underwent Basic Training in Fort Polk, La, where he participated in the honor guard for deceased military personnel. He transferred to Fort Benjamin Harris, Ind., where he underwent additional training. He then went from Indiana to Fort Bragg, North Carolina, working in administration. He was discharged in 1971.

Johnson’s Quilt of Valor was pieced by Iris Summings, quilted by Vivian Spencer and bound by Suzanne Walker.

Vern Lubash was inducted into the Army on Jan. 6, 1969 in Denver, Colo. He went through Basic Training at Fort Lewis, Wash., and then he went to Fort Riley, Kan. With a 71B30 (MOS) at the 24th Admin Co., later to be known as the Big Red One.

In June 1970, Lubash was sent to Camp McCoy, Wis., where he was stationed at a reserve post for the Fifth Army Intelligence School. He received an Honorable Discharge on Jan. 1, 1975.

Lubash’s Quilt of Valor was pieced by Sue Williams, quilted by Jo Hinton and bound by Kathy Dye and Vic Bolek.