A Choice

In visiting about the church, faith, the Bible, and about our eternity, I mentioned that we have a choice: heaven or hell. An immediate response was that there is no place like hell. My question then was is there a heaven after death? The reply was that of course there is a heaven, but I don’t even bother to think about hell.

If we don’t think about them, will biblical truths go away? Luke 16, has the record of Lazarus and a man referred to as a rich man. The reading assumes that the rich man loved riches while Lazarus loved God. When they died the rich man was in hell (verse 23) and in torment. In hell the rich man wanted his tongue cooled because of the agony of the fire (verse 24). How much of the Bible do we believe? Can heaven exist because of what the Bible says? Does hell not exist even though the Bible says it does?

I use heaven and hell as examples to suggest what the Bible says about other topics. What does the Bible say about salvation, or about loving one another? As we seek life and refine our life for God, it seems good to remember Hebrews 4:12, “The word of God (the Bible) is living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Pray for insight and courage as you find God’s truth and His way for you.