A Little Good News

Times like these bring out the best and worst in people.

I’ve enjoyed seeing inspirational quotes painted on store windows, and the homes that have decorated windows.

The clinic I go to has outdoor art. Each staff member wrote upbeat messages at the entrance, with sidewalk chalk.

There’s an invitation to join the quarantine cruise at 4 pm on Saturday to get out of the house, greet friends, and still stay safe.

Here and there, people are paying it forward, in all kinds of ways.

Gal pals at my church generally meet for chit chat and drinks of choice one Thursday afternoon a month. This month, we were invited to email pictures of ourselves and our beverage as a way to keep a sense of community.

Some folks are re-learning the ancient art of letter writing.

I’m not on Facebook but I hear there are jokes and inspiring messages going around there, and hope that some of the nastiness that surfaces online has diminished.

On the other hand, one man got a pretty healthy dose of cussing out when he refused to lend his phone to a stranger who was having vehicle problems. My friend offered to dial the number and pass on a message, but evidently that was an insult, and was refused.

Apparently, some people make numerous trips to the store to circumvent limits of “one per customer” items but, all in all, I hear more good news than negative stuff.

Out here in the sticks, we have various opportunities to laugh and experience moments of wonder. The birds are back. We have seen robins, killdeer, and all manner of water birds. I heard a lone meadow lark, but didn’t locate him.

The peepers are loudly proclaiming spring. They sing all day in the slough by the barn, and really crank it up when evening comes.

There are hints of green in the yard and meadow, and now that the ice has gone out, the lake is a blaze of sparkles on any sunny day.

We have a little one horn spike deer that visits us every few days, wandering for a while in the yard, peeking in the window at us. This week, we learned why the bird seed has been going so fast. He spent a half hour one afternoon, snarfing from the feeder that hangs by our front gate. Maybe we need to put a limit for customers on that deal, but I reckon he’d just find the early flower stems that are peeking through.

Be safe out there, y’all. Keep a watch out for ways to spread cheer and hope. Try to remember we are all in this together, and together is how we’ll get through it.

Meet me here next week, and meanwhile do your best. Somebody might like it.