Activate Alliance Encourages Community Participation in Complete Streets Learning Discussion

Safer streets are usable by all road users whether they’re driving, riding, walking, bicycling, or rolling. Since not every street can or should be “complete,” such policies call for the needs of all users of all ages to be considered and met when possible.

The Activate Alliance committee is excited to coordinate a Complete Streets learning discussion on Wednesday, April 14 from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. through a virtual platform. Discussion and planning efforts will be specific to the Alliance community. Anyone interested can contact Janelle Visser at 308-487-3600 Ext. 105 or to register.

Bike Walk Nebraska Executive Director Julie Harris will be leading the interactive learning


She said, “I’m excited to chat with folks in Alliance. I enjoy learning about a community’s issues and goals related to safe streets and hoping to provide information that will spark ideas on how those goals can be achieved.”

Harris has an extensive background in the development of Complete Streets policies through the city of Omaha and as a member of the Mayor’s Active Living Advisory Committee. She’s a Scottsbluff native and passionate about safer streets for active living.

Activate Alliance is comprised of school, community residents, hospital, city, law enforcement, public transit, senior services, community center, and public health. The committee was initiated through a community planning forum in May 2019. Thereafter, they have been meeting regularly with the goal of making Alliance a safer place to walk, bike, and roll. This work was identified through Box Butte General Hospital’s Community Health Improvement Plan. Public health’s role is to assist in organizing the effort by finding funding opportunities that align with the plan and coordinate the monthly meetings.